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Buffet & Dance
Saturday, September 30, 2000

The Houstonian Hotel

Fruit encrusted palm tree and 
Kay Dunlap Henderson
Mini '50's Chevy Convertable filled with goodies,
 the class slide show is overhead
Table decorations and Dagmar Dunn Gipe
Bill Walker, Diann Dishongh Teas
and Mimi Harvey Harrison
Smokin' band 
Dancing.........with Diann Teas
Reunion Chair Babs McNeir
 Billy and Betty Bachmann Wilkerson
Don and Martha Mortenson Middlebrook,
Wayne McLemore and Bride, 
OUR CHEERLEADERS - Liz Mobley Wayne, 
Dene Hofheinz Anton 
and Jessica Darling Sylvester
Aghh!  Jessica's hair is blond! 
Jessica, Joe Ince and Grif Tees
 Terry Park Dalton and John Sylvester
Jessica Darling Sylvester, Mike Dalton 
and Augie Bering
Liz Mobley Wayne, George Vetter 
and Harold Gunn 
Paul and Elizabeth Boone
Dene Hofheinz Anton
Caroline Ross Kirban (right) 
with her baby sister born in 1960. 
Joe and Delores Parks
Martha Lanier Reid and Rob Burchfield
Tommy and Debra Billups 
Bill Walker
Carolyn Benjamin Baker, Reed Robinson
and Buddy Dacus
Richard Pevey and friend
Buddy and Gayle Dacus
Harold Gunn and Jack Wetmore
The '50's Rock On!
 John Richey and Grif Tees
Babs McNeir, Karen Stickler McWilliams,
Big Red, Connie Cooper Byers and
Patsy Albrecht Kaphengst

At the reunion we ate, danced and caught up with old friends while pictures of us at Lamar and now appeared overhead.  Rob Burchfield did a great job on the slide show. We found out that:
  • Karen Stickler McWilliams came the longest distance to get to the reunion. She lives in Hawaii.
  • Martha Mortensen Middlebrook had been married the longest. She was given a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
  • Pat Payne McBee has been married the most times.
  • Wayne McLemore was the most recently married. He received a ball and chain as a prize.
  • Betty Bachmann Wilkerson has 13 grandchildren and certainly deserved the prize for the most grandchildren.
  • Barbara McNeir is an ordained Baptist minister.  She teaches a class for older women at South Main Baptist Church.
  • Caroline Ross Kirban was involved with a short film that received an Oscar nomination.  Her dad, Jim Ross, was interested in making movies also. He had expected to attend the reunion, but was taken ill suddenly and sent his youngest daughter (born in 1960) in his place.
  • Adrian Hovas Hudgens lost her dear cousin, Baroness Sandra Hovas DePortanova (Lamar '61), this year.
  • Bill Walker, Clothier has a new address, 1141-01 Uptown Park Boulevard, in the charming new Uptown Park adjacent to 610 and Post Oak Boulevard.
At the Saturday night party, Rob Burchfield and Judge Richard Hall gave us a rousing rendition of the Lamar Fight Song.  Rob played from memory.  That's pretty good for a man expecting his seventh grandchild.
Sunday Brunch
October 1, 2000

 Doubletree Post Oak Hotel

Adrienne Hovas Hudgens
David McStravick and wife, Kathie
Oran Buckner
Dan Rhodes
Joe Ince
Scott Caven
Neil Calnan and
His Honor, Judge Richard Hall
Alice Bell Smith and Rob Burchfield
Betsy Hoover Spiller, Caroline Ross Kirban
and Barbara Waddill Jansen
Mike and Jean Boyd
Connie Cooper Byers
Mary Jane Aston Bullen
Babs McNeir
Sally Henderson Yates
 Elizabeth Mobley Wayne
Adrienne Hovas Hudgens and Larry Hinson
Marilyn Ralls Johnson
Boyd Moore and Patsy Albrecht Kaphengst
 Classmate ?
Nelson Smith
Dan Rhodes and Sara Ivins Maley
Judge Richard Hall and Betsy Hoover Spiller
Barbara Waddill Jensen and Reed Robinson
Harvey Gartner, Kristina and Patrick Strong
Didi and Ronnie Brittain
Frank Crapitto and Linda Gray Chambliss

The weekend was a blast!  Many thanks to our LAMAR 1960 FORTY YEAR REUNION COMMITTEE:

CHAIR - Barbara McNeir

MEMBERS - Alice Bell Smith, Lela Boyd Windham, Rob Burchfield, Neil Calnan, Catherine Compton, Buddy Dacus, Tommy Dickey, Harold Gunn, Richard Hall, Kendall Hamilton, Sally Henderson Yates, Betsy Hoover Spiller, Josephine Macaluso Duncan, Nelson Simth, Griff Tees, Bill Walker and Bill Watts. 

WEB PAGE - Marilyn Ralls Johnson, Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved

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