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The festivities werre beginning
Bill Palmer and Harvey Bott chat
Clifford and Becky Chatham enjoy hamburgers and fries
The Juke Box played 50's tunes
Chair Barbara McNeir gets a big thank you kiss!
Sally Henderson Yates and hubby, Dr. Charles Yates
Catherine Compton
Nelson Smith and his wife Alice Bell Smith
Richard Hall and Rob Burchfield
Bill Watts
Connie Cooper Byers
 Jody Todd Sela and her husband Schlomo Sela
Betsy Hoover Spiller and Becky Marshall Chatham
Clifford Chatham is still poppin'
Bill and Carol Palmer
Jackie Senouillet Murphy came in from Paris, France
Ronnie Brittain 
 Sally Goerner Bridges and Jay Farr
Marjorie Hinds and Patsy Albrecht Kaphengst
Virginia Young McCarroll and Carolyn Benjamin Baker
Enough with the pictures. Cut the cake!
Margaret Deats Bott and Rob Burchfield got the message.


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